
Inspecting your Climbing Harness

Inspecting climbing gear is the best way to ensure that it still works properly and is safe to use. Making gear inspection a regular, ongoing part of your routine is important for your safety, as the consequences of gear failing due to inattention to issues can be fatal. If you are a professional, this is […]


The Top Five Arborist Knots

When we talk about safety, there are never enough precautions that can be taken. We can always learn new procedures and review the way we use the knots. Here you can check some of the basic knots Arborists are expected to know. Have any to add? We would love to hear about them. Better yet, […]


The Research of Tree Failure

It is remarkably fascinating to take a deeper dive into the research that has been undertaken in the utility industry to assess the risk and impact of trees with a likelihood of failure. Their work goes far beyond the visuals of pruning branches back and clearing corridors — have a look at how they are […]

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